How Funding Works

Improve Startups and Partners works as “Funding Connectors” meaning we do not deal with the actual money transactions but mainly work as advisors and connectors. We focus our work towards analyzing and finding the right Investor Partner for you. Here is how we work and the steps we follow:


Description of work

Funding Contract

We agree upon a separate funding contract, discussing and agree upon terms and conditions, roadmap, funding needs, investors etc.

Maturity Profile Analysis

How “mature and Investor Ready” is your company? We will run an assessment with your managers, board, advisory board, shareholders, evaluating, analyzing and stating your company strong and weak areas to be improved. Our 25 pages report tells your investors your corporate situation speeding up the funding process. We also invite stakeholders and investors to join our Performance Management and Training System to follow up your company progress in real time.


Based on your suggested “Investor Profile” we start searching within our own and external databases, social media, networks, target adverts.

Short list

A carefully selected short list of investors are presented and agreed with you before initial contact (emails, phone, digital/physical meetings).


Qualified investors are introduced. Meetings are scheduled and run – both ways. Product. Market. Competitors. Budget. Strategies. Value proposition.


Closing of the funding campaign. Commission – sign off.

Do YOU need Funding?

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Our Goals



We make you "Investor Ready" boosting your Pitch Deck and Maturity Profile


Performance Management and Performance Training


Growth & Revenue Quality Improvements Learning & Relations

Maturity Profile

People are running the assessment for two reasons;

Funding or Business Development.

The Startup Maturity Profile has a total of 35 skills that needs to be evaluated from a range of 1-10. It gives you a total score of maximum 350 points which is 100%.

The mechanism to interpret values should be as easy as possible.

First, let us invent something to get rid of the endless number of words like “bad”, “good”, “so-so” and “excellent”. Let’s call this “invention a scale”.

All measures will be interpreted by assigning them a mark from a given range based on the following options.

High values are good – low values are bad.

In this range the least possible value will mean the worst and the biggest possible value will mean the best.

Let’s say that adding new customers get a mark of 7 from a 1-10 scale (the more customers the better), which is medium performance.

In order to visualize different performance, scales are divided into different levels and colors;

    • Minimum performance = Red color (mark 1-6)

    • Medium performance = Yellow color (mark 6-8)

    • Maximum performance = Green color (mark 8-10)

      Marks close to minimum (bad values) are colored red, marks close to medium (medium values) are colored yellow and marks close to maximum (good values) are colored green.

      Here`s an example of an average score of The Startup Maturity Profile:

      IF this was YOUR company; how “likely” someone invest?

      Ever gotten feedback from an investor telling you;

      “Oh no – I am not investing my money into your company because you are too immature. Get back to me in a year or so .. and good luck!

      That`s too bad – but – there are some good news – you can do something about it!


Maturity Profile Gauges

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Please feel free to contact us for a free, 30 minutes consultation.